This portfolio is the combination of 20 to 30 Mid and Small stocks which has potential to improve or attain high return ratio. This lucrative investment portfolio involves augmenting approach such as information mining, financial modelling, investment thesis, active tracking of earnings and quality outlook. Here you will enjoy tactical risk management by intellectual asset weight allocation under the sub classes.
Process and Strategy
The strategy involved in selection of stocks in this portfolio comprises of two productive factors such as fundamental value and quantitative triggers which help you create high value portfolio that delivers superior risk adjusted returns on absolute, relative, and consistent basis.
This phase of Mid and Small cap investment follows a principle of “Growth in Value” style of investment where you can see a linear growth in fundamental investment and give you opportunity for valuation in expansion along with earnings growth.
Our Risk management Framework
We curated the risk management framework that connects macro with micro seamlessly. Our framework involves 5 stages of strategical pyramid,
1. Addressing market value and its volatility
2. Managing the Finance, HR, product, pricing, and supply chain.
3. Evaluating the sources of quality earning
4. PL, BS, CG, and Schedule
5. Valuation Envelop equation
Mid and Small Cap investment portfolio stock allocation
+7% of its weight in benchmark
Market Cap allocation
For Mid Cap – max 80% and min 50%
For Small Cap – max 50% and min 20%
This is best for whom?
This portfolio is best for investors with high risk appetite and investment horizon of 3 to 5 years.
Rebalancing Strategy
If any stocks that are not performing well in consecutive swings and exhibit
high volatility are marked for review or sell.